I am looking for a karate school in new york city. i am already a greenbelt in hapkido but im looking for something more contact. I have heard of Kyokushin Karate and like what i have heard and read. but if you know any other martial art that combines the disipline of hapkido and the contact of Kyokushin i will look into that too.
Martial Arts - 5 Answers
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Is it possible to live and go to school in New York?
Is it possible to live and go to school in New York?
Me and my friend live in CA.We're juniors and we are thinking after high school,to move to New York on our own.Is this a realistic goal? We come from middle-class families, so we aren't rich and neither of us work. Are there schools in New York that offer housing? Should we wait a couple of years?
New York City - 5 Answers
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Only if it is upstate New York and not New York City. New York City will take a lot of money !!!! a lot !!!!! and even more. You better have a credit card with a very large limit.
The cost of living in New York City is incredibly expensive so make sure you have a good income. There are good colleges there and lots of other schools but the good ones are very competitive. Just make sure you have a solid plan before you go. Good Luck!
any goal is realistic if you put your mind and heart to it. just realize that the cost of living in New York is expensive and the schools are competitive
There are plenty of schools in NYC that offer housing. I'm from a middle-class family and I live on campus at St. John's. Its in Queens and offers guaranteed housing to all freshman. There are a ton of other schools in the city that also offer housing too. NYU and Pace University are both in Manhattan and they offer housing all over the borough. There are too many schools to list that offer housing in NYC. You could also live off campus if you want. There are plenty of neighborhoods throughout New York that you could live in and commute to school. I would definitely recommend getting a job soon though. You're going to want to save up some money for sure. Hope this helped. Good luck.
Stay in California and just don't come over here period. Don't live here to pursue whatever far-fetched dream you have. If NY isn't already in your blood (as in you're not a native, you have no family or friends here, etc.), then there is no valid reason for you to come here from far away. Utterly ridiculous.
Me and my friend live in CA.We're juniors and we are thinking after high school,to move to New York on our own.Is this a realistic goal? We come from middle-class families, so we aren't rich and neither of us work. Are there schools in New York that offer housing? Should we wait a couple of years?
New York City - 5 Answers
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Only if it is upstate New York and not New York City. New York City will take a lot of money !!!! a lot !!!!! and even more. You better have a credit card with a very large limit.
The cost of living in New York City is incredibly expensive so make sure you have a good income. There are good colleges there and lots of other schools but the good ones are very competitive. Just make sure you have a solid plan before you go. Good Luck!
any goal is realistic if you put your mind and heart to it. just realize that the cost of living in New York is expensive and the schools are competitive
There are plenty of schools in NYC that offer housing. I'm from a middle-class family and I live on campus at St. John's. Its in Queens and offers guaranteed housing to all freshman. There are a ton of other schools in the city that also offer housing too. NYU and Pace University are both in Manhattan and they offer housing all over the borough. There are too many schools to list that offer housing in NYC. You could also live off campus if you want. There are plenty of neighborhoods throughout New York that you could live in and commute to school. I would definitely recommend getting a job soon though. You're going to want to save up some money for sure. Hope this helped. Good luck.
Stay in California and just don't come over here period. Don't live here to pursue whatever far-fetched dream you have. If NY isn't already in your blood (as in you're not a native, you have no family or friends here, etc.), then there is no valid reason for you to come here from far away. Utterly ridiculous.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Anyone who goes to or has been at a CUNY (city university of New York) school?
Where do you go? And is it at all like high school? Because I went to public school in the LES and I miss it - and really wish I had another year there.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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I am currently going to Bronx Community college which is a part of CUNY. To some extent, It's like high school b/c the regular classrooms are small and have only about 30 kids. Also, the professors and students have a close relationship and communication between professors and students are frequent and open. In the classes I've attended so far, the professors don't just lecture, they have a lot of student participation and open discussions. Also, the professors really care about how your doing and is willing to help when problems arise. If they see you struggling in class, they might approach you to find out what's wrong. Anyway, I really enjoy BCC, b/c the professors, resources, and students are gr8. Furthermore, the classroom environment is very similar to the high school I attended, which made me very happy and comfortable.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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I am currently going to Bronx Community college which is a part of CUNY. To some extent, It's like high school b/c the regular classrooms are small and have only about 30 kids. Also, the professors and students have a close relationship and communication between professors and students are frequent and open. In the classes I've attended so far, the professors don't just lecture, they have a lot of student participation and open discussions. Also, the professors really care about how your doing and is willing to help when problems arise. If they see you struggling in class, they might approach you to find out what's wrong. Anyway, I really enjoy BCC, b/c the professors, resources, and students are gr8. Furthermore, the classroom environment is very similar to the high school I attended, which made me very happy and comfortable.
Monday, December 20, 2010
When does school start and end in new york?
In New York, when did school start this year, 2010 and when will it end in 2011? Sorry, I am writing a story and it takes place in New York.
New York City - 1 Answers
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Started Wednesday, September 8, 2010 and lets out June 28, 2011. Here's the schedule: http://schools.nyc.gov/NR/rdonlyres/6F97C8BB-EB9E-46CE-BF48-36B263FEB860/82219/20102011SchoolYearCalendar1.pdf
New York City - 1 Answers
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Started Wednesday, September 8, 2010 and lets out June 28, 2011. Here's the schedule: http://schools.nyc.gov/NR/rdonlyres/6F97C8BB-EB9E-46CE-BF48-36B263FEB860/82219/20102011SchoolYearCalendar1.pdf
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Is New York Institute Of Photography a GOOD legit school?
I'm thinking of enrolling in a correspondence school called New York Institute Of Photography.I was wondering if this is worth it.Can i actually succeed in this school and in my career if i go i enroll here?
Photography - 6 Answers
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Correspondence schools in photography will deprive you of much of the added input when taking classes with other students, not just in the lab, but during critique when you get to see how they interpreted the assignment and hear their criticism of your work and others. The top schools are RIT, Brooks and Art Center ... with them you will need a 4x5 view camera for the first year. Slow, meticulous, setup, composition and exposure with the camera and perfect development and printing are essential to maximizing the time behind the camera and minimizing the time in the darkroom or in front of the computer. The New York Institute of Photography has been around a long time, so there should be a lot of alum you can contact for some good insight into the school and how well it achieves it job of teaching the student how to use any camera, anywhere, under any conditions and shoot marketable images on demand.
legit yes, good i dont think so, i have seen the work of some that did the course and well......... imagine trying to learn 2 + 2 by corrospondence........or having a hands on teacher teaching you it - and its more complicated than that it would certainly be be better than nothing, a one night a week course will benefit you far more i think
NYIP is legit. It is an at home course. You will succeed at NYIP as far as you will let yourself. You will get the same education as if you enter a college for photography. The education you will receive is all based upon if you are willing to push yourself to learn. This goes to say with any at home schooling or in the classroom schooling. If you do not take the schooling seriously, then your photos will not be any good....no matter if it was at home or in classroom.
They have been in business since 1910 so apparently they must be legit. Although its true that having the luxury of devoting 2 to 4 years at photography school would be preferable, oft times the reality of work and family take precedence. You will get as much out of any course of study as you put into it, whether in a formal classroom or via correspondence.
Yes, really good
When I decided to become a photographer full time, I already knew how to do a certain type of photography fairly well, photojournalism. However, there were types of photography that I didn't have any background in and it was obvious that I needed to get a decent grounding in them. I selected NYIP and was very pleased with them. You have to understand the limitations of the format, but the information is solid, the instruction is very well structured and you will get a solid grounding in the basics across the board. The instructors are very good and the feedback you get is as solid as the information you're taught. If you are going to take the correspondence route, NYIP is probably the best there is. You can push your photography as hard as you want with NYIP. If you do the assigned work to just the minimum requirements, you will get the minimum value. Still good, but not all you can get. Push yourself creatively and they will be right there with you. I can say that from my personal experience and I know others from NYIP (all successfully earning a living as photographers) that they had the same experience. It won't be like taking classes at a school and it can't be. However, some of the legitimate shortcomings that have been pointed out are easily compensated for if there is an active photography club in your area. You can find the cross-fertilization of ideas, supportive creative energy, etc. there. You will also need to supplement the material with more advanced stuff. You would do that anyway, anywere. Everything will depend on you, what you bring to the table. NYIP will keep their part of the bargain. I have a very different opinion of NYIP than my esteemed colleague FF69, but, and I am sure he would agree with this, we have different perspectives about photography. Vance
Photography - 6 Answers
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Correspondence schools in photography will deprive you of much of the added input when taking classes with other students, not just in the lab, but during critique when you get to see how they interpreted the assignment and hear their criticism of your work and others. The top schools are RIT, Brooks and Art Center ... with them you will need a 4x5 view camera for the first year. Slow, meticulous, setup, composition and exposure with the camera and perfect development and printing are essential to maximizing the time behind the camera and minimizing the time in the darkroom or in front of the computer. The New York Institute of Photography has been around a long time, so there should be a lot of alum you can contact for some good insight into the school and how well it achieves it job of teaching the student how to use any camera, anywhere, under any conditions and shoot marketable images on demand.
legit yes, good i dont think so, i have seen the work of some that did the course and well......... imagine trying to learn 2 + 2 by corrospondence........or having a hands on teacher teaching you it - and its more complicated than that it would certainly be be better than nothing, a one night a week course will benefit you far more i think
NYIP is legit. It is an at home course. You will succeed at NYIP as far as you will let yourself. You will get the same education as if you enter a college for photography. The education you will receive is all based upon if you are willing to push yourself to learn. This goes to say with any at home schooling or in the classroom schooling. If you do not take the schooling seriously, then your photos will not be any good....no matter if it was at home or in classroom.
They have been in business since 1910 so apparently they must be legit. Although its true that having the luxury of devoting 2 to 4 years at photography school would be preferable, oft times the reality of work and family take precedence. You will get as much out of any course of study as you put into it, whether in a formal classroom or via correspondence.
Yes, really good
When I decided to become a photographer full time, I already knew how to do a certain type of photography fairly well, photojournalism. However, there were types of photography that I didn't have any background in and it was obvious that I needed to get a decent grounding in them. I selected NYIP and was very pleased with them. You have to understand the limitations of the format, but the information is solid, the instruction is very well structured and you will get a solid grounding in the basics across the board. The instructors are very good and the feedback you get is as solid as the information you're taught. If you are going to take the correspondence route, NYIP is probably the best there is. You can push your photography as hard as you want with NYIP. If you do the assigned work to just the minimum requirements, you will get the minimum value. Still good, but not all you can get. Push yourself creatively and they will be right there with you. I can say that from my personal experience and I know others from NYIP (all successfully earning a living as photographers) that they had the same experience. It won't be like taking classes at a school and it can't be. However, some of the legitimate shortcomings that have been pointed out are easily compensated for if there is an active photography club in your area. You can find the cross-fertilization of ideas, supportive creative energy, etc. there. You will also need to supplement the material with more advanced stuff. You would do that anyway, anywere. Everything will depend on you, what you bring to the table. NYIP will keep their part of the bargain. I have a very different opinion of NYIP than my esteemed colleague FF69, but, and I am sure he would agree with this, we have different perspectives about photography. Vance
Friday, December 17, 2010
What is a Good Journalism School in New York City?
Im Finishing up my AA at a Community College in Florida and plan on moving to New York for school. Can Anyone recommend a school that I can go to, to study journalism? I'm 20 years of age and have over a 3.0 gpa if that matters.. thanks
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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NYU, Fordham, and Syracuse, although not in the city, is very prominent for it's communications/journalism program.
Be aware that Journalism is dying. You probably will find yourself unemployed.
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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NYU, Fordham, and Syracuse, although not in the city, is very prominent for it's communications/journalism program.
Be aware that Journalism is dying. You probably will find yourself unemployed.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
How Do You Become an Elementary School Teacher in New York Schools?
Every state is different. I live in California now. How do you go about earning a credential? What are the options and the time period? I'm looking into this after coming out of college with a B.A. Thanks for help, no dumb answers please.
Teaching - 2 Answers
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you apply in the school remember it has to be in new york!
NY public school teachers are required to attain a Masters Degree. You have decided to teach in a state with one of the most rigorous certification requirements. More details: http://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/
Teaching - 2 Answers
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you apply in the school remember it has to be in new york!
NY public school teachers are required to attain a Masters Degree. You have decided to teach in a state with one of the most rigorous certification requirements. More details: http://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/
Monday, December 13, 2010
Are there any other schools in New York City like New York Paralegal school?
New York Paralegal Schools in NYC Are there any other schools or what happened to New York Paralegal School, that was located on Broadway in lower manhattan. I really don't need anything but the courses that they offer. Thanks The Weblink is www.nyparalegal.com I have tried to call the number and even visited but no answer. Anyone have any updated information on them?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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I have lived in nyc for 18 years. I have never heard of that school, sorry. What do you want to study? Do you want to become a paralegal? If yes, you can attend CUNY or SUNY which are reliable and affordable.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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I have lived in nyc for 18 years. I have never heard of that school, sorry. What do you want to study? Do you want to become a paralegal? If yes, you can attend CUNY or SUNY which are reliable and affordable.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
whats a good boarding school in new york for fashion design?
okay. so heres the thing ive been seaching and searching for a good fashion and design school in the new york or new england area. but google is no help. and it must be a boarding school. help!
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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If you are looking for a fashion and design school that is both a high school and a boarding school, you won't find one. If you are looking for a college, Fashion Institute of Technology http://www.fitnyc.edu/html/dynamic.html is very well-known in the industry. You can also look at Pratt http://www.pratt.edu/newsite/, which is more design than fashion, and Parsons http://www.parsons.edu/index.html. Finally, take a look at LIM http://www.limcollege.edu/html/home.htm
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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If you are looking for a fashion and design school that is both a high school and a boarding school, you won't find one. If you are looking for a college, Fashion Institute of Technology http://www.fitnyc.edu/html/dynamic.html is very well-known in the industry. You can also look at Pratt http://www.pratt.edu/newsite/, which is more design than fashion, and Parsons http://www.parsons.edu/index.html. Finally, take a look at LIM http://www.limcollege.edu/html/home.htm
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Does anyone have specific information about New School University in New York City?
I am going to attend The New School University in New York City this fall and would like anyone to comment if they have any postive or negative information about this school. I am very excited to be a part of this place. However, the tuition in rather high. It is about $30,000 a year. Does that seem like alot for a liberal art's degree(I'am going for a BA) All of my friends think that I am very lucky to be a part of this school. After I take out grants and scholarships, I will probally owe about $50,000. Is that an average amount to be in debt for an education? Isn't it sad that it costs so much money for a education? All of the good colleges in NYC are so high. My friend went to Columbia and is over $70,000 in debt. If anyone has information or facts about The New School, please speak your mind. Thanks
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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Congratulations! I know you are going to have an amazing experience. Your friends are right and you are very lucky to have such an opportunity. Its priceless. How exciting- New York, good school, cool friends and you'll probably meet a lot of good contacts for the future too. Once you'll start you are probably going to enjoy it so much you won't be thinking too much about $ aspect, and when you graduate you'll then know how worth it - it was. Imagine- saving right now $$$ but going to some community college in some boring town without any prestige or future references for the future. Would you be happy then saving money? Probably not! Good Luck. I'm sure you won't regret it. However....settling for second best and it might just bite you in the ass for the rest of your life! ; )
Yeah it's a good school (part of Columbia if I'm not correct) but I mean...you're going to get out of the school and be able to make maybe 30-40k with your degree...it's up to you ultimately, and depends on what you want to do and how you want to live until you get there. (plus rent in nyc is brutal...I live in Queens and it's still brutal...I'm talking at least 1200-1300 a month in the city for a box apartment...) If you want to go on and get your phd in say psychology or organizational behavior then you'll be in a good position with a new school degree however.
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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Congratulations! I know you are going to have an amazing experience. Your friends are right and you are very lucky to have such an opportunity. Its priceless. How exciting- New York, good school, cool friends and you'll probably meet a lot of good contacts for the future too. Once you'll start you are probably going to enjoy it so much you won't be thinking too much about $ aspect, and when you graduate you'll then know how worth it - it was. Imagine- saving right now $$$ but going to some community college in some boring town without any prestige or future references for the future. Would you be happy then saving money? Probably not! Good Luck. I'm sure you won't regret it. However....settling for second best and it might just bite you in the ass for the rest of your life! ; )
Yeah it's a good school (part of Columbia if I'm not correct) but I mean...you're going to get out of the school and be able to make maybe 30-40k with your degree...it's up to you ultimately, and depends on what you want to do and how you want to live until you get there. (plus rent in nyc is brutal...I live in Queens and it's still brutal...I'm talking at least 1200-1300 a month in the city for a box apartment...) If you want to go on and get your phd in say psychology or organizational behavior then you'll be in a good position with a new school degree however.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Is there School Choice in New York State?
I'm planning to move to Tompkins County in New York State and I have found an apartment but the elementary school that serves the area where the apartment is located is a low performing school. Does anyone know if New York allows school choice where I can enroll my child in any public school in my city so long as I provide the transportation?
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Tompkins_County,_New_York http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/36/36109.html
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Tompkins_County,_New_York http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/36/36109.html
How do i get a scholarship to a new york fashion school ?
Ok so i live in the UK and im only 13 but i would like to pursue a career in fashion. My dream is to live in New York and i know i would need a green card for this but i was wondering if anyone could help me figure out how to get a scholarship to a new york fashion school and then i could just get a student visa. Help :|
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult for international students to get scholarships. If you were in the U.S., the process would be to do very well in school, apply to the schools and get accepted, and fill out a form called the FAFSA, which colleges use to determine your financial status and what type of financial aid you may get. As an international student, you probably would have to have already made a splash in fashion, so that you would be so desirable for the school that they would be willing to give you one of their very few scholarships.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult for international students to get scholarships. If you were in the U.S., the process would be to do very well in school, apply to the schools and get accepted, and fill out a form called the FAFSA, which colleges use to determine your financial status and what type of financial aid you may get. As an international student, you probably would have to have already made a splash in fashion, so that you would be so desirable for the school that they would be willing to give you one of their very few scholarships.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Which New York acting school would be best for a beginner?
I will be moving to NY when I am finished getting my bachelors degree in film. And I was wondering what acting school would suit a beginner best? - Strasburg Institute - NYFA (New York Film Academy - Stella Adler Studio of acting Which one would be worth my dollar? Have any of you attended these schools? Or know something who has attended? Are there any other schools that you know of? sorry for all the questions, I just really want to go to the right school. Thanks.
Theater & Acting - 2 Answers
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First of all, acting schools in general tend to be pretty useless, or so i've heard. I know allot of people in the business and the main thing that i have learned from acting classes is that they only mess up your acting. I would say the New York Film Academy. I am actually going this summer, but for a different program, not acting, and its really great. There are different places around the world where you could go. Paris, New York, Los Angeles. ( etc. etc ) Its really cool . They let the actors be in movies, and that can help you to learn how to work with a director, and a camera. It seems good to me.
Strasberg Institute and Stella Adler have better reputations in the industry for actors than NY Film Institute Either of them would be very good. Both teach Method acting. You can't go wrong with either in terms of training or how it looks on your resume. Both show that you are serious about learning your craft
Theater & Acting - 2 Answers
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First of all, acting schools in general tend to be pretty useless, or so i've heard. I know allot of people in the business and the main thing that i have learned from acting classes is that they only mess up your acting. I would say the New York Film Academy. I am actually going this summer, but for a different program, not acting, and its really great. There are different places around the world where you could go. Paris, New York, Los Angeles. ( etc. etc ) Its really cool . They let the actors be in movies, and that can help you to learn how to work with a director, and a camera. It seems good to me.
Strasberg Institute and Stella Adler have better reputations in the industry for actors than NY Film Institute Either of them would be very good. Both teach Method acting. You can't go wrong with either in terms of training or how it looks on your resume. Both show that you are serious about learning your craft
Friday, December 3, 2010
How many classes do high school students in New York City take?
I was considering teaching for New York Public Schools and looking at the bell schedules, I notice that they have 10 class periods a day. I am from Memphis and we traditionally took six classes a day for 55 minutes. Does 10 classes a day seem extreme. Maybe that is why the school system in New York has such a low graduation rate.
Teaching - 1 Answers
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In south carolina at our high school we take four classes that are each an hour and fourty five minutes
Teaching - 1 Answers
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In south carolina at our high school we take four classes that are each an hour and fourty five minutes
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Which is a better film school New York University or Emerson College?
I was recently accepted to both New York University and Emerson College. I am planning on studying film production. They are both really good schools. I love New York and I love Boston. From my research NYU is more expensive, but Emerson has much better campus housing. The only way that I can think to make my decision is to compare the film programs. So which one has a better film program, NYU or Emerson College?
Higher Education (University +) - 5 Answers
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I'm pretty sue NYU's film program is better ... but I go there, so I might be biased :D
to make the best choice go visit both schools and that way you can have more clear choice. hey can you answer my question? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100315220603AAeHkOL&r=w thanks!
Ofcourse NYU
NYU-Better rep, better connections---> easier to get a job when you graduate, better facilities, better location in the industry, more artistic, no campus Emerson-More hands on approach, you will be making films quicker, only have to take film related classes, lower acceptance standards--> SOME of the people around you may not be as experienced and talented, more personal feel What were your grades, SAT, extra curics btw?
Neither has a "better" program for the simple reason that degrees in "Film Studies" from both colleges lead to unemployment. Rule #1: Film Schools exist to provide salaries to Film School Professors.
Higher Education (University +) - 5 Answers
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I'm pretty sue NYU's film program is better ... but I go there, so I might be biased :D
to make the best choice go visit both schools and that way you can have more clear choice. hey can you answer my question? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100315220603AAeHkOL&r=w thanks!
Ofcourse NYU
NYU-Better rep, better connections---> easier to get a job when you graduate, better facilities, better location in the industry, more artistic, no campus Emerson-More hands on approach, you will be making films quicker, only have to take film related classes, lower acceptance standards--> SOME of the people around you may not be as experienced and talented, more personal feel What were your grades, SAT, extra curics btw?
Neither has a "better" program for the simple reason that degrees in "Film Studies" from both colleges lead to unemployment. Rule #1: Film Schools exist to provide salaries to Film School Professors.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Looking for a Good Architecture School in New York?
Does anybody know good architecture school in New York? Why do you like that school? What about these school? New York City College of Technology (City Tech) or NYIT or The City College of New York?
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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I would say look to get into one of the top 2 in NY or if you are willing to relocate go for one of the top ten in the nation bacause employers look at that when they hire new architects. Good luck. Take a look at this links: http://www.archsoc.com/kcas/researchschool4.html http://www.uscollegesearch.org/new-york-architecture-colleges.html
The best one is Cooper Union, but they're ridiculously hard to get into. There's also Pratt, Parsons, and Columbia (at the graduate level), or failing that The City College of New York. I've never really heard of NYIT, but they seem to offer a professional B.Arch degree. City College of Technology only offers an "architectural technology" degree which would basically prepare you to do CAD drafting but not allow you to qualify to get a professional license to practice architecture.
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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I would say look to get into one of the top 2 in NY or if you are willing to relocate go for one of the top ten in the nation bacause employers look at that when they hire new architects. Good luck. Take a look at this links: http://www.archsoc.com/kcas/researchschool4.html http://www.uscollegesearch.org/new-york-architecture-colleges.html
The best one is Cooper Union, but they're ridiculously hard to get into. There's also Pratt, Parsons, and Columbia (at the graduate level), or failing that The City College of New York. I've never really heard of NYIT, but they seem to offer a professional B.Arch degree. City College of Technology only offers an "architectural technology" degree which would basically prepare you to do CAD drafting but not allow you to qualify to get a professional license to practice architecture.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Why is the New York School District paying 700 teachers to do nothing?
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090622/ap_on_re_us/us_rubber_rooms_1 Apparently, the New York City "Public" Schools are paying 700 teachers to sit around and do nothing. Why won't the teachers union allow them to fire these teachers rather than waste tax dollars paying them to do nothing? Would this nonsense ever happen in a free market educational system rather than the socialist monopoly we currently have?
Government - 2 Answers
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To save the children, of course!
They are on administrative leave pending disciplinary hearings.
Government - 2 Answers
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To save the children, of course!
They are on administrative leave pending disciplinary hearings.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
what the meaning of The New York School?
As an Essy please, I need to compare International Typographic Style with the New York School. Any essays for me to read and get a better understanding!
Homework Help - 1 Answers
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New York School — ... was an informal group of American poets and painters active in 1950s New York City. According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New York School
Homework Help - 1 Answers
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New York School — ... was an informal group of American poets and painters active in 1950s New York City. According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New York School
Monday, November 22, 2010
How to live in New York City for high school?
hey guys. i'm a sophomore in high school and i so desperately want to finish my high school years at a school in new york city. my parents are definitely up for it if i can figure it out, but i asked my relatives over there if there's anything they can help me with but it's not going to work out. i would really like some ideas on how i can live on the upper east side for the rest of my high school experience. money and getting into a school are not problems. thank you!
New York City - 6 Answers
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i wouldnt worry too much about highscool. just go to college there if u really wanna be there that bad
Get an apartment on the UES, apply for high school. Simple, as long as your parents are willing to move with you.
You wrote, "money and getting into a school are not problems." Well, if that's true, then what's the problem? I mean, just come here, rent an apartment, either with your parents or have them sign the lease for you if they're not joining you here, and then have your parents register you in the school in that district and go there, case closed, no big deal at all really. Good luck!
LOL! Actually, getting into school IS going to be a problem (money probably is, too, but let's not go there.) I am both a NYC public school teacher and I have a daughter who is, right now, applying to high school. So I know a LOT about the high school admissions process. The truth is, the system is not set up for people to enter in 11th grade. Many of the best schools just don't take new admits in 11th grade. You can apply for 9th or 10th grade, but if you enter in 11th grade, you are stuck with the "transfer" schools, or the schools that have seats left (not usually the best schools, might I add.)
If money is not a problem, then there should be this Question. Since you mentioned Upper East Side, we all know you must be filthy rich unless you have no idea what you tawking about. My Rent is 4000 a month one bedroom in Manhattan, guess where?
New York City - 6 Answers
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i wouldnt worry too much about highscool. just go to college there if u really wanna be there that bad
Get an apartment on the UES, apply for high school. Simple, as long as your parents are willing to move with you.
You wrote, "money and getting into a school are not problems." Well, if that's true, then what's the problem? I mean, just come here, rent an apartment, either with your parents or have them sign the lease for you if they're not joining you here, and then have your parents register you in the school in that district and go there, case closed, no big deal at all really. Good luck!
LOL! Actually, getting into school IS going to be a problem (money probably is, too, but let's not go there.) I am both a NYC public school teacher and I have a daughter who is, right now, applying to high school. So I know a LOT about the high school admissions process. The truth is, the system is not set up for people to enter in 11th grade. Many of the best schools just don't take new admits in 11th grade. You can apply for 9th or 10th grade, but if you enter in 11th grade, you are stuck with the "transfer" schools, or the schools that have seats left (not usually the best schools, might I add.)
If money is not a problem, then there should be this Question. Since you mentioned Upper East Side, we all know you must be filthy rich unless you have no idea what you tawking about. My Rent is 4000 a month one bedroom in Manhattan, guess where?
Sunday, November 21, 2010
What is the "new york school of photography"?
What are the various different types of "new york school of photography"? who are the major photographers involved. what are the different styles or "schools" in the new york school of photography?
History - 1 Answers
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check out walker evans, and other photographers at: http://masters-of-photography.com/E/evans/evans.html
History - 1 Answers
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check out walker evans, and other photographers at: http://masters-of-photography.com/E/evans/evans.html
Saturday, November 20, 2010
How many Snow days does a New York School District get per year?
Schools In Suffolk County Specifically, but any new york school will do :)
Primary & Secondary Education - 4 Answers
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NEVER!!!! if your like my school in ontario...
none. regardless of what you may think, you must go to school 180 days of the year. there is no such thing as a "snow day". any time you have a "snow day", a day either gets taken away from one of your vacations, or gets added on to the end of the school year.
Depends if there is any snow. And how much snow there is.
Most likely 0. There was only 2 snow days in the last decade. I remember there was one in 2004 and last year. =)))))
Primary & Secondary Education - 4 Answers
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NEVER!!!! if your like my school in ontario...
none. regardless of what you may think, you must go to school 180 days of the year. there is no such thing as a "snow day". any time you have a "snow day", a day either gets taken away from one of your vacations, or gets added on to the end of the school year.
Depends if there is any snow. And how much snow there is.
Most likely 0. There was only 2 snow days in the last decade. I remember there was one in 2004 and last year. =)))))
Friday, November 19, 2010
Is the new york school of visual arts a good school?
Is the new york school of visual arts a good school? i was wondering if anyone here has attended the school
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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RAtings and reviews for the school will be found below.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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RAtings and reviews for the school will be found below.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Is there any Professional Wrestling School In New York City?
Is there any Professional Wrestling School In New York City?
I recently moved to New York about a month ago, and I want to start my professional wrestling career, but there seems to be no wrestling schools located here... how do I start it then?
Wrestling - 1 Answers
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I don't know, search on google
I recently moved to New York about a month ago, and I want to start my professional wrestling career, but there seems to be no wrestling schools located here... how do I start it then?
Wrestling - 1 Answers
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I don't know, search on google
Is there any Professional Wrestling School In New York City?
Is there any Professional Wrestling School In New York City?
I recently moved to New York about a month ago, and I want to start my professional wrestling career, but there seems to be no wrestling schools located here... how do I start it then?
Wrestling - 1 Answers
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I don't know, search on google
I recently moved to New York about a month ago, and I want to start my professional wrestling career, but there seems to be no wrestling schools located here... how do I start it then?
Wrestling - 1 Answers
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I don't know, search on google
How do middle school students in New York dress?
How do middle school students in New York dress?
Please Help! I currently live in Florida where we wear shorts and skirts and stuff.... but this year im going to move to New York and have no idea how people dress in middle school because I've never been there! Please tell me how middle school students dress in New York... or any place that is cold!
Fashion & Accessories - 4 Answers
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luckkyy ive alllways wanted to live in new york! but anyways uhmm depends on where your moving. if your moving in like mahattan they dress veryyy expensive and stuff hahah not like abercrombie or anything but like high class. but if your moving in like the city they dont dress very nice i dont think.. haha sorry never really been to the cityy
all of them wear abercrombie and fitch, hollister, and american eagle. In manhattan, thats where i go to school, they shop at sak's fifth avenue, anthropologie, barneys, and especially bloomingdales. they like to call it bloomies and they love it. But all the clothes in these stores are more than a $100 for a shirt. Otherwise just buy abercrombie, hollister, and american eagle which are all cheap brands. everyone wheres it. These three cheaper brands are best suited for public schools, but work anywhere. The other, more expensive stores should only be for those in manhattan and those who go to private schools there since they are filled with rich kids. the average private school in manhattan is $30,000 a year and up so its hard to blend in with their expensive clothes. I go to one on a scholarship though so I'm able to buy expensive clothes. Don't worry about what you wear, you are in middle school. Start caring in high school. Some people in middle school are still shopping at limited too. Plus you grow out of your clothes fast. Save your money for the more designer ones everyone will have in high school. Im 17 and lived here my whole life by the way.
Well, I live in New York and I'm in middle school. Everyone sort of have their own style, so I think you will be just fine.
hey there, I'm quiet not sure, but If I had to guess, probably more urban wear...hip-hop, that sort of thing....
Please Help! I currently live in Florida where we wear shorts and skirts and stuff.... but this year im going to move to New York and have no idea how people dress in middle school because I've never been there! Please tell me how middle school students dress in New York... or any place that is cold!
Fashion & Accessories - 4 Answers
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luckkyy ive alllways wanted to live in new york! but anyways uhmm depends on where your moving. if your moving in like mahattan they dress veryyy expensive and stuff hahah not like abercrombie or anything but like high class. but if your moving in like the city they dont dress very nice i dont think.. haha sorry never really been to the cityy
all of them wear abercrombie and fitch, hollister, and american eagle. In manhattan, thats where i go to school, they shop at sak's fifth avenue, anthropologie, barneys, and especially bloomingdales. they like to call it bloomies and they love it. But all the clothes in these stores are more than a $100 for a shirt. Otherwise just buy abercrombie, hollister, and american eagle which are all cheap brands. everyone wheres it. These three cheaper brands are best suited for public schools, but work anywhere. The other, more expensive stores should only be for those in manhattan and those who go to private schools there since they are filled with rich kids. the average private school in manhattan is $30,000 a year and up so its hard to blend in with their expensive clothes. I go to one on a scholarship though so I'm able to buy expensive clothes. Don't worry about what you wear, you are in middle school. Start caring in high school. Some people in middle school are still shopping at limited too. Plus you grow out of your clothes fast. Save your money for the more designer ones everyone will have in high school. Im 17 and lived here my whole life by the way.
Well, I live in New York and I'm in middle school. Everyone sort of have their own style, so I think you will be just fine.
hey there, I'm quiet not sure, but If I had to guess, probably more urban wear...hip-hop, that sort of thing....
How do middle school students in New York dress?
How do middle school students in New York dress?
Please Help! I currently live in Florida where we wear shorts and skirts and stuff.... but this year im going to move to New York and have no idea how people dress in middle school because I've never been there! Please tell me how middle school students dress in New York... or any place that is cold!
Fashion & Accessories - 4 Answers
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luckkyy ive alllways wanted to live in new york! but anyways uhmm depends on where your moving. if your moving in like mahattan they dress veryyy expensive and stuff hahah not like abercrombie or anything but like high class. but if your moving in like the city they dont dress very nice i dont think.. haha sorry never really been to the cityy
all of them wear abercrombie and fitch, hollister, and american eagle. In manhattan, thats where i go to school, they shop at sak's fifth avenue, anthropologie, barneys, and especially bloomingdales. they like to call it bloomies and they love it. But all the clothes in these stores are more than a $100 for a shirt. Otherwise just buy abercrombie, hollister, and american eagle which are all cheap brands. everyone wheres it. These three cheaper brands are best suited for public schools, but work anywhere. The other, more expensive stores should only be for those in manhattan and those who go to private schools there since they are filled with rich kids. the average private school in manhattan is $30,000 a year and up so its hard to blend in with their expensive clothes. I go to one on a scholarship though so I'm able to buy expensive clothes. Don't worry about what you wear, you are in middle school. Start caring in high school. Some people in middle school are still shopping at limited too. Plus you grow out of your clothes fast. Save your money for the more designer ones everyone will have in high school. Im 17 and lived here my whole life by the way.
Well, I live in New York and I'm in middle school. Everyone sort of have their own style, so I think you will be just fine.
hey there, I'm quiet not sure, but If I had to guess, probably more urban wear...hip-hop, that sort of thing....
Please Help! I currently live in Florida where we wear shorts and skirts and stuff.... but this year im going to move to New York and have no idea how people dress in middle school because I've never been there! Please tell me how middle school students dress in New York... or any place that is cold!
Fashion & Accessories - 4 Answers
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luckkyy ive alllways wanted to live in new york! but anyways uhmm depends on where your moving. if your moving in like mahattan they dress veryyy expensive and stuff hahah not like abercrombie or anything but like high class. but if your moving in like the city they dont dress very nice i dont think.. haha sorry never really been to the cityy
all of them wear abercrombie and fitch, hollister, and american eagle. In manhattan, thats where i go to school, they shop at sak's fifth avenue, anthropologie, barneys, and especially bloomingdales. they like to call it bloomies and they love it. But all the clothes in these stores are more than a $100 for a shirt. Otherwise just buy abercrombie, hollister, and american eagle which are all cheap brands. everyone wheres it. These three cheaper brands are best suited for public schools, but work anywhere. The other, more expensive stores should only be for those in manhattan and those who go to private schools there since they are filled with rich kids. the average private school in manhattan is $30,000 a year and up so its hard to blend in with their expensive clothes. I go to one on a scholarship though so I'm able to buy expensive clothes. Don't worry about what you wear, you are in middle school. Start caring in high school. Some people in middle school are still shopping at limited too. Plus you grow out of your clothes fast. Save your money for the more designer ones everyone will have in high school. Im 17 and lived here my whole life by the way.
Well, I live in New York and I'm in middle school. Everyone sort of have their own style, so I think you will be just fine.
hey there, I'm quiet not sure, but If I had to guess, probably more urban wear...hip-hop, that sort of thing....
Interested in learning autobody & paint. Does anyone know of a good school in New York?
Interested in learning autobody & paint. Does anyone know of a good school in New York?
Is Apex Tech in New York City a good school to attend for autobody? is their a better school for that in NYC?
Maintenance & Repairs - 4 Answers
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lincoln tech auto school
Vocational Schools & Associations NEW YORK Alfred E. Smith High School We offer a complete 4 year high school program in collision repair and refinishing. 333 E. 151 St., Bronx, NY 10451 Tel. 718-993-5000 Ext. 138 Fax: 718-292-1944 Contact: Alfredo Medina, Teacher/Dean Send email to: amedina9@schools.nyc.gov Apex Technical School 635 Sixth Ave., New York, NY 10011 Tel. 212-337-8854 Contact: Admissions Department Boces 135 W. North St., Rome, NY 13440 315-339-0183 Contact: Adam Franz Hudson Valley Community College 80 Vandenburgh Avenue, Troy, NY 12180 518-270-7272 Contact: William Smith, Autobody Dept. Nassau Tech 1196 Prospect Ave., Westbury, NY 11590 516-622-6901 Contact: Robert Clark, Supervisor Superior Paintless Dent Repair Paintless Dent Repair, Paint Repair, Interior Repair, Windshield Repair, Wheel Refinishing 128 111 Ave., Manhatten, NY 10011 Tel. 888-992-3464 Contact: Jesse Chavarin, Admissions Send email to: jesse@nodents.com also Lincon tech like the other dude said 15-30 Petracca Place Whitestone, NY 11357 718 640-9800
The days of the apprentice is back. WAY back in the day people learned to work on cars working under an experienced tech. For a long time the practice was mostly non existent. Now the industry has gotten back in to the apprentice practice because it really is the best way to learn how to work with cars. I was kicked out of 2 schools and now I am the top dog schooling the guys who went to a fancy school...
First off, I wish I could change your mind on going to school to learn this trade. As a 17 yr. auto body tech I can say that this profession has gone way downhill. I don't know another auto body tech that isn't looking for another profession. I still make the same annual salary that I made 13 yrs ago because insurance companies regulate our pay. And unfortunately it doesn't look like it will ever change. If you really want to learn how to do this, I wouldn't waste you money on an auto body school. Most employers will hire on experience anyway, which you won't have. My advice is to just apply at a local shop and see if they need any kind of entry level help. Detailer, gopher, cleanup etc.. and before you know it they will be asking to help tape cars prime stuff etc... and before you know it you'll be a full fledged auto body tech, broke from the amount of tools you will have to buy to do this job, and still making no money! auto body rate 1990-$34 pr. hr. 2008-$49pr. hr. Mechanics rate 1990-$35 2008-$75-$200 Hope this enlightens you on your career choice.
Is Apex Tech in New York City a good school to attend for autobody? is their a better school for that in NYC?
Maintenance & Repairs - 4 Answers
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lincoln tech auto school
Vocational Schools & Associations NEW YORK Alfred E. Smith High School We offer a complete 4 year high school program in collision repair and refinishing. 333 E. 151 St., Bronx, NY 10451 Tel. 718-993-5000 Ext. 138 Fax: 718-292-1944 Contact: Alfredo Medina, Teacher/Dean Send email to: amedina9@schools.nyc.gov Apex Technical School 635 Sixth Ave., New York, NY 10011 Tel. 212-337-8854 Contact: Admissions Department Boces 135 W. North St., Rome, NY 13440 315-339-0183 Contact: Adam Franz Hudson Valley Community College 80 Vandenburgh Avenue, Troy, NY 12180 518-270-7272 Contact: William Smith, Autobody Dept. Nassau Tech 1196 Prospect Ave., Westbury, NY 11590 516-622-6901 Contact: Robert Clark, Supervisor Superior Paintless Dent Repair Paintless Dent Repair, Paint Repair, Interior Repair, Windshield Repair, Wheel Refinishing 128 111 Ave., Manhatten, NY 10011 Tel. 888-992-3464 Contact: Jesse Chavarin, Admissions Send email to: jesse@nodents.com also Lincon tech like the other dude said 15-30 Petracca Place Whitestone, NY 11357 718 640-9800
The days of the apprentice is back. WAY back in the day people learned to work on cars working under an experienced tech. For a long time the practice was mostly non existent. Now the industry has gotten back in to the apprentice practice because it really is the best way to learn how to work with cars. I was kicked out of 2 schools and now I am the top dog schooling the guys who went to a fancy school...
First off, I wish I could change your mind on going to school to learn this trade. As a 17 yr. auto body tech I can say that this profession has gone way downhill. I don't know another auto body tech that isn't looking for another profession. I still make the same annual salary that I made 13 yrs ago because insurance companies regulate our pay. And unfortunately it doesn't look like it will ever change. If you really want to learn how to do this, I wouldn't waste you money on an auto body school. Most employers will hire on experience anyway, which you won't have. My advice is to just apply at a local shop and see if they need any kind of entry level help. Detailer, gopher, cleanup etc.. and before you know it they will be asking to help tape cars prime stuff etc... and before you know it you'll be a full fledged auto body tech, broke from the amount of tools you will have to buy to do this job, and still making no money! auto body rate 1990-$34 pr. hr. 2008-$49pr. hr. Mechanics rate 1990-$35 2008-$75-$200 Hope this enlightens you on your career choice.
Interested in learning autobody & paint. Does anyone know of a good school in New York?
Interested in learning autobody & paint. Does anyone know of a good school in New York?
Is Apex Tech in New York City a good school to attend for autobody? is their a better school for that in NYC?
Maintenance & Repairs - 4 Answers
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lincoln tech auto school
Vocational Schools & Associations NEW YORK Alfred E. Smith High School We offer a complete 4 year high school program in collision repair and refinishing. 333 E. 151 St., Bronx, NY 10451 Tel. 718-993-5000 Ext. 138 Fax: 718-292-1944 Contact: Alfredo Medina, Teacher/Dean Send email to: amedina9@schools.nyc.gov Apex Technical School 635 Sixth Ave., New York, NY 10011 Tel. 212-337-8854 Contact: Admissions Department Boces 135 W. North St., Rome, NY 13440 315-339-0183 Contact: Adam Franz Hudson Valley Community College 80 Vandenburgh Avenue, Troy, NY 12180 518-270-7272 Contact: William Smith, Autobody Dept. Nassau Tech 1196 Prospect Ave., Westbury, NY 11590 516-622-6901 Contact: Robert Clark, Supervisor Superior Paintless Dent Repair Paintless Dent Repair, Paint Repair, Interior Repair, Windshield Repair, Wheel Refinishing 128 111 Ave., Manhatten, NY 10011 Tel. 888-992-3464 Contact: Jesse Chavarin, Admissions Send email to: jesse@nodents.com also Lincon tech like the other dude said 15-30 Petracca Place Whitestone, NY 11357 718 640-9800
The days of the apprentice is back. WAY back in the day people learned to work on cars working under an experienced tech. For a long time the practice was mostly non existent. Now the industry has gotten back in to the apprentice practice because it really is the best way to learn how to work with cars. I was kicked out of 2 schools and now I am the top dog schooling the guys who went to a fancy school...
First off, I wish I could change your mind on going to school to learn this trade. As a 17 yr. auto body tech I can say that this profession has gone way downhill. I don't know another auto body tech that isn't looking for another profession. I still make the same annual salary that I made 13 yrs ago because insurance companies regulate our pay. And unfortunately it doesn't look like it will ever change. If you really want to learn how to do this, I wouldn't waste you money on an auto body school. Most employers will hire on experience anyway, which you won't have. My advice is to just apply at a local shop and see if they need any kind of entry level help. Detailer, gopher, cleanup etc.. and before you know it they will be asking to help tape cars prime stuff etc... and before you know it you'll be a full fledged auto body tech, broke from the amount of tools you will have to buy to do this job, and still making no money! auto body rate 1990-$34 pr. hr. 2008-$49pr. hr. Mechanics rate 1990-$35 2008-$75-$200 Hope this enlightens you on your career choice.
Is Apex Tech in New York City a good school to attend for autobody? is their a better school for that in NYC?
Maintenance & Repairs - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
lincoln tech auto school
Vocational Schools & Associations NEW YORK Alfred E. Smith High School We offer a complete 4 year high school program in collision repair and refinishing. 333 E. 151 St., Bronx, NY 10451 Tel. 718-993-5000 Ext. 138 Fax: 718-292-1944 Contact: Alfredo Medina, Teacher/Dean Send email to: amedina9@schools.nyc.gov Apex Technical School 635 Sixth Ave., New York, NY 10011 Tel. 212-337-8854 Contact: Admissions Department Boces 135 W. North St., Rome, NY 13440 315-339-0183 Contact: Adam Franz Hudson Valley Community College 80 Vandenburgh Avenue, Troy, NY 12180 518-270-7272 Contact: William Smith, Autobody Dept. Nassau Tech 1196 Prospect Ave., Westbury, NY 11590 516-622-6901 Contact: Robert Clark, Supervisor Superior Paintless Dent Repair Paintless Dent Repair, Paint Repair, Interior Repair, Windshield Repair, Wheel Refinishing 128 111 Ave., Manhatten, NY 10011 Tel. 888-992-3464 Contact: Jesse Chavarin, Admissions Send email to: jesse@nodents.com also Lincon tech like the other dude said 15-30 Petracca Place Whitestone, NY 11357 718 640-9800
The days of the apprentice is back. WAY back in the day people learned to work on cars working under an experienced tech. For a long time the practice was mostly non existent. Now the industry has gotten back in to the apprentice practice because it really is the best way to learn how to work with cars. I was kicked out of 2 schools and now I am the top dog schooling the guys who went to a fancy school...
First off, I wish I could change your mind on going to school to learn this trade. As a 17 yr. auto body tech I can say that this profession has gone way downhill. I don't know another auto body tech that isn't looking for another profession. I still make the same annual salary that I made 13 yrs ago because insurance companies regulate our pay. And unfortunately it doesn't look like it will ever change. If you really want to learn how to do this, I wouldn't waste you money on an auto body school. Most employers will hire on experience anyway, which you won't have. My advice is to just apply at a local shop and see if they need any kind of entry level help. Detailer, gopher, cleanup etc.. and before you know it they will be asking to help tape cars prime stuff etc... and before you know it you'll be a full fledged auto body tech, broke from the amount of tools you will have to buy to do this job, and still making no money! auto body rate 1990-$34 pr. hr. 2008-$49pr. hr. Mechanics rate 1990-$35 2008-$75-$200 Hope this enlightens you on your career choice.
when does New York start school and end ?
i want to know when new york , new york starts school . when does football and baseball start for school . i need to know when there vacations are . pretty much everythin about new york schools.
Horse Racing - 5 Answers
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aqueduct ends sunday 4/25, belmont runs friday 4/30 through sunday july 18th, saratoga runs friday july 25th through monday sept 6th, belmont picks up again on saturday sept 11.
All things NYC public schools: http://schools.nyc.gov/default.htm June 28, 2010 is the last day for most students. http://schools.nyc.gov/Calendar/default.htm 2010 - 2011 http://schools.nyc.gov/NR/rdonlyres/6F97C8BB-EB9E-46CE-BF48-36B263FEB860/80539/20102011SchoolYearCalendar.pdf There are a lot of private and parochial schools in New York City.
There is no New York you are clearly brainwashed my friend by the govement. New York is ran by tiny peanut men who come from New Jersey and at the end of the day they go home and beat their wives until they are peanut butter.
Horse Racing - 5 Answers
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aqueduct ends sunday 4/25, belmont runs friday 4/30 through sunday july 18th, saratoga runs friday july 25th through monday sept 6th, belmont picks up again on saturday sept 11.
All things NYC public schools: http://schools.nyc.gov/default.htm June 28, 2010 is the last day for most students. http://schools.nyc.gov/Calendar/default.htm 2010 - 2011 http://schools.nyc.gov/NR/rdonlyres/6F97C8BB-EB9E-46CE-BF48-36B263FEB860/80539/20102011SchoolYearCalendar.pdf There are a lot of private and parochial schools in New York City.
There is no New York you are clearly brainwashed my friend by the govement. New York is ran by tiny peanut men who come from New Jersey and at the end of the day they go home and beat their wives until they are peanut butter.
Monday, November 8, 2010
How do i get a scholarship to a new york fashion school ?
Ok so i live in the UK and im only 13 but i would like to pursue a career in fashion. My dream is to live in New York and i know i would need a green card for this but i was wondering if anyone could help me figure out how to get a scholarship to a new york fashion school and then i could just get a student visa. Help :|
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult for international students to get scholarships. If you were in the U.S., the process would be to do very well in school, apply to the schools and get accepted, and fill out a form called the FAFSA, which colleges use to determine your financial status and what type of financial aid you may get. As an international student, you probably would have to have already made a splash in fashion, so that you would be so desirable for the school that they would be willing to give you one of their very few scholarships.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult for international students to get scholarships. If you were in the U.S., the process would be to do very well in school, apply to the schools and get accepted, and fill out a form called the FAFSA, which colleges use to determine your financial status and what type of financial aid you may get. As an international student, you probably would have to have already made a splash in fashion, so that you would be so desirable for the school that they would be willing to give you one of their very few scholarships.
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